
Implementation Strategy


The vision for Relic Park encompasses a large footprint stretching over 500 metres along the route between Campbell House and the AGO. A phasing strategy is necessary in order to approach the large size of the project. The work plan must take into consideration the scheduling of activities in the precinct (especially condo construction) and coordinate with partners and the City to achieve a feasible phasing strategy, not only for Relic Park but also for the streetscape improvements along the proposed linear park corridor. Generally, installation of the Relic Features must follow any construction work on site, for efficiency and to protect the stones from construction activity. This will require careful and thoughtful planning in the early stages. Negotiation and coordination is expected to take a large portion of time and is reflected in the preliminary work plan.

With respect to establishing the location of the Relic Features on site, the phasing strategy demonstrates a sequential organization of the project to guide the activities on site.


The extension of Simcoe Street north of Queen, between Campbell House and 180 Queen Street West, would serve as the Southern Gateway for Relic Park. Near one of Toronto’s most recognizable intersections (Queen and University), the location is an ideal setting to gain support and recognition for the project. The public right of way was recently resurfaced from Queen to Pullan Place in interlocking concrete unit pavers in a contemporary design language that complements the historic context of Campbell House.

Ideally, one singular, monumental installation (Figure 1, Classic Column) would be erected initially as a beacon for the project, commanding a presence on Queen while encapsulating the character and intent of Relic Park. Since the setting requires limited site preparation, it is expected this could be installed in Spring 2020, as a vanguard feature to encourage project support both in public profile and in the fundraising campaign.


The Gateway Feature would be the first element installed in Phase 1. Depending on the project schedule established, the Gateway Feature would be built approximately 12 months before the rest of the Phase 1 features along Simcoe Street and Michael Sweet Avenue.

The redesign of Simcoe as a pedestrianized right of way similar in character to Pullan Place and the Gateway to Simcoe requires a robust program development exercise that includes a Bike Lane extension north on Simcoe. Public access to the Canada Life Building’s north lawn would increase the amenity
of Relic Park. A total of five feature zones are proposed in this section of Simcoe and Michael Sweet Avenue, including the Gateway Feature. The southern side of Michael Sweet Avenue consists of a stretch of lawn approximately 4 metres wide – an obvious location for a feature zone. Although the grass boulevard is normally cast in shade and is adjacent to an aging parking garage, Relic Park presents an opportunity to make this space more amenable to public use and to activate the space.


Phase 2 takes up the length of St. Patrick Street, from Michael Sweet Avenue to the intersection with Dundas, then extends west along Dundas to the AGO. Phase 2 is less well defined at this stage as a number of green space opportunities are not yet designed and need to be fully investigated as elements of Relic Park. These elements include:

• The Lanterra “Artist’s Alley” condo parkette at 234 Simcoe;
• 52 Division Police Station plaza on the south side of Dundas;
• green spaces for the Dream Inc. condo and the Tribute Communities Inc. condo, both on the north side of Dundas;
• a street-to-park conversion on St. Patrick Street, immediately north of Dundas; and
• the AGO parkette at Dundas and McCaul.

The “master planning” for Phase 2 will occur in parallel with Phase 1 and in collaboration with Councillor Cressy, and would be implemented as the condo developments are constructed in 2020–2023. About five Relic Features are proposed for Phase 2 and include a Northern Gateway Feature in either the Tribute parkette or a redesigned 52 Division public space.