200th Anniversary Remarks

These remarks were recorded on September 22, 2022 at Campbell House Museum


Blair Bowen, Foundation Chair Councillor

Joe Mihevc, Ward 10

Tony Wight for Vim Kochhar, Project Manager of the house move

Liz Driver, Director/Curator

Toast by Robert Watson, GayAF Comedy

The Disruptors

Four plays! Four nights! It’s going to be a fabulous fall…

The Disruptors is a chance to see new work written and performed by artists you may never have seen before – and some whose work you already know and love. It’s theatre at its best – affordable, approachable and provocative.

Click HERE for more information.

Tereza Zelenkova – The Double Room

October 8 – November 6, 2021

Tereza Zelenkova, Drawing Room, Campbell House, 2020. Courtesy of the artist and Ravestijn
Gallery, Amsterdam

Drawing on mythologies and historical events associated with actual locations, Prague-based artist Tereza Zelenkova creates photographs that are often informed by her interest in literature and local histories, and convey a mysterious, timeless quality. CONTACT invited Zelenkova to create a site-specific installation of her work at Campbell House Museum—built in 1822, an inimitable landmark in Toronto’s urban centre.

Book your visit here: campbellhousemuseum.ca/buy-tickets