The House of Dior: 70 years of Creativity and Elegance

Photo credit: Robert Perrier – Legal heir, CC BY-SA 3.0


On Saturday, February 17, fashion expert Dawna Pym will present an illustrated talk about French couturier Christian Dior’s revival of Haute Couture and the artistic directors of Dior who have continued to make the House of Dior a fashion leader for 70 years.

Refreshments will be provided after the lecture.

Date and time: Saturday, 17 February 2018, 2 pm – 4 pm

Program by Costume Society of Ontario. For information on pricing and registration, please contact at

Eight of the Greats – Art History Lectures


Art historian Suzanne Tevlin will be offering another delightful series of lectures to get you through the cold winter months.

Starting on January 10, and continuing for eight weeks, Eight of The Greats will include a smorgasbord of Suzanne’s favourite artists. From the entrancing Bronzino, to the dangerous Caravaggio, and the elegant Tony van Dyck, we will go on to discover Giovanna Garzoni, Chardin, Ingres, Egon Schiele, and Paula Rego.

$250 for all eight lectures. (Individual lectures not available.)

Just announced: EXTENDED HOURS on Thursday, March 15

The museum will be open until 6:30 pm on Thursday, March 15. Don’t miss your chance to see WAR Flowers – A Touring Art Exhibition before it leaves for Vimy, France on March 16.

Buy your tickets at

About WAR Flowers:

During the First World War, Canadian soldier George Stephen Cantlie plucked flowers from the fields and gardens of war-torn Europe and sent them home to his baby daughter Celia in Montréal.

One hundred years later, his touching ritual has provided the inspiration for this innovative multi-sensory exhibit.

WAR Flowers examines human nature in wartime through artistic representations that combine Cantlie’s letters and pressed flowers with original scents, crystal sculptures and portraits of 10 Canadians directly involved in the First World War.

The WAR Flowers exhibition is a production of Reford Gardens. This project has been made possible by the Government of Canada.

6th Annual ACO NextGen Design Charrette at Campbell House Museum


Campbell House Museum will host Architectural Conservancy of Ontario’s NextGen Design Charrette on November 11, 2017.

The design charrette is an event for “students and emerging professionals in the fields of architecture, urban design, planning, landscape architecture, environment studies, built history, interior design, and heritage conservation. The charrette is intended to encourage creative thinking, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and provide networking opportunities with esteemed speakers and panelists”.

To learn more and obtain tickets, register at the event site here.